
Hello family & friends,

Tomorrow is a very exciting day for our family. Tyler will be having surgery in the morning to remove his port. It gives us a tremendous amount of joy in knowing that his doctors are confident that he is better & it is time to remove his port. I think we will finally be able to breathe. 

His blood counts are great! His wbc is 4.3 & anc is 1500 & hem is 13.2 & platelets are at 108. YAY!!!!

He is not able to stop taking medicine. He has a new medicine added to his nightly regimen. His kidney's have taken a hit & are functioning at 65-70%. The doctor said that this is as good as it will get & this medicine will hopefully sustain the kidneys....but with God all things are possible. 

Tyler is anxious to get this port out & back to hunting. He & his dad have big hunting plans & sitting in the house just wont do. 

Thank you for your continued prayers. God has heard them & Tyler is healed!