
December 13th

Hello again!!

All is well with Tyler. Christmas break starts in a few days & he is almost finished with exams from the first semester. He loves going to school & seeing all of his friends. His teachers are WONDERFUL!!!!!! We couldn't be happier with his progress.

Tyler got to skip the first week going to MCV in 10 months...that was super exciting! We will be heading back to MCV tomorrow for a blood check & to follow up with ENT. So far things have been good. His #'s are steady so we are very happy about that...but they do need great improvement. The #'s will all be normal with time.

We are so thankful for all of the prayers & blessings from so many people. The Lord has heard your prayers & he has touched Tyler. Tyler told his sister Josie the other day that God saved his life & if it was not for God he would not be here right now. INCREDIBLE! I am certain that Josie will not forget that. The Lord has been amazing! We are so thankful for his GRACE & MERCY & LOVE he has shown us through so many people.

We all hope that you have an amazing Christmas with your family & God Bless You!

Stacie, Donnie, Tyler, Josie & Bradley


November 1st

Hello. Tyler is doing well. He went back to school 3 weeks ago. He loves high school. It has been wonderful to see him doing so well & so happy.

Tyler's kidneys are doing much better & his blood counts are staying about the same. They are not great but they are steady. We are praying that they will come up.

We are not sure what the next step is right now. We are watching and waiting.

Thank you for your continued prayers! Have a great day!



September 30th

Tyler went to his weekly visit yesterday. His WBC's are completely normal & the hemaglobin is almost there. His platelets are still very low....but they came up a few points. His kidney's are recovering slowly.

We are thrilled with his progress. Thank you for your continued prayers.



September 26th

Tyler has been making progress. He is getting stronger every day & getting his energy back. He is not taking his WBC stimulator shot anymore. His WBC's continue to get better on their own. His hemaglobin is going up on its own & platelets are swaying a bit...but still ok.

The kidney function is better. We are still praying that he will get 100% kidney function back & that his bone marrow will continue to produce on its own.

It is truly incredible that he has come this far. We are certain that it is all God's grace. Thank you for all of your prayers.



August 27th

The last dose of meds are in & we are waiting on blood this morning. Tyler's hemaglobin dropped to 6.4 so he needs blood before we can leave. His levels dropped again by 2 points for the creatnine so that means his kidney function is getting better.

Thank you for your continuous prayers!



August 26th

Things are looking up for Tyler today. The acid level went from 10 to 0 overnight. This is really good. The kidney levels are better today. The WBC's & platelets are climbing up. The hemoglobin dropped but he did not need blood today.

Tyler is in great spirits & continues to surprise us all. He has been having a good time cruising around & visiting with the nurses. They are all big fans of Tyler.

The plan is to head out tommorrow after his boost. We are looking forward to going home. Please continue to pray for Tyler.



August 24th

We went back to clinic this morning to meet with the kidney doctor & the transplant doctor. Donnie & I were pretty nervous about this appointment because we were anticipating a curve ball. WELL WE GOT ONE!

Well first of all Tyler's #'s looked really good today. His platelets went up again. They were 19 today & hemoglobin was 8.3 & WBC's were 4.5. So this was a very positive surprise.

Tyler's kidneys are functioning at 40%. They are getting worse. His medications have been adjusted, which Tyler is thrilled because it means he can back off the pills. It also means that the treatment for the Aplastic Anemia has stopped because the medication is causing alot of damage to the kidneys. So with the adjustments that have been made & a 3 day treatment starting tommorrow we will know quickly if the kidneys will recover. If the kidneys recover we will be delighted. If they do not, it will mean a kidney transplant.

Tyler's bone marrow has to be stable & back to normal to get a kidney transplant, so he will need a bone marrow transplant first. After he recovers from that transplant, he will have a kidney transplant.

It has been a stressful day today. Please pray for Tyler & please pray for comfort & strength.



August 22nd

Tyler's platelets went up again by two points. Platelets are 16, WBC's are 11, & hemoglobin is 6.8......so he is getting blood today. The doctor did a blood test last week & it showed that Tyler's bone marrow is starting to produce new cells. We saw the Nephrologist this morning & Tyler is having kidney problems & the kidney's are only functioning at 50%. He has gotten more blisters again & that is a big concern because of infection. Hopefully they will go away soon. Please continue to pray for Tyler. We are very appreciative!



August 15th

Tyler went for a check up this morning & we have wonderful news!!!! He did not need blood or platelets today. He has not had platelets in over a week. He got blood once last week. His white blood count is wonderful & has been for over a week now. We are absolutely thrilled about this! We see God working in his body! It is wonderful! We are praying that it will hold steady & that it will keep getting better each time he goes back.

His gall bladder is much better now. He can finally eat real food again & he wants to eat. I am excited to cook real food!

Tyler keeps telling us that he is getting better & he can feel it.

Please continue to pray for him & thank God for working in him.



July 26th

Tyler got out of the hospital the following week. He is doing good. He turned 14 yesterday. That was exciting! Today his WBC"s are 2.3, platelets are under 5, & hem is 5.4. So the numbers are not good but he is getting a boost today. He is doing very good. Please continue to pray for him.



Monday July 18th

Tyler came back into the hospital on Saturday evening. He is in alot of pain when he eats & we were not able to manage the pain at home. He is having an MRI later today to see if that will shed some light on his gall bladder. Thank you for your prayers!



Monday July 11th

We came in this morning for the first of 3 visits a week. Tyler had alot of swelling this weekend and had a low grade fever. He does not have a fever this morning....so that is good. His white count is still very low. He is getting platelets & then we are going back home! He will be getting an extra IV at home, so now it will be 2 a day....but that is better than staying in the hospital. Please continue to pray for him & thank you so much.




We are still here. We almost got to leave today but it did not work out. Tyler got the last treatment today & his body is trying to recover. We may come home tomm. & it will be so exciting! He got platelets today. His white count is hanging out around 1.2 & we really want to see that come up. He feels really good today. He has a great appetite & he ate all 3 meals today & that is a huge improvement. He has not eaten 1 full meal in months...so 3 is outstanding!!

He is really anxious to get better & he is already talking about hunting season.

Thank you for your prayers!




It is day 10. Tyler is feeling better today & ate breakfast & kept it down. Very exciting!! His white count came up slightly. It was 0.7 yesterday & 1.2 today. He got blood again this morning. Hopefully he will be able to come home within the next few days. Please continue to pray for him.



July 4th

Well today was a better day. Tyler slept most of the day because he got the second dose of the "atom bomb." He is getting better, but he needs to start eating. The CT scan results came back & it is swelling in his neck from all of the fluid. The doctor came in this evening & said that the CMV virus cannot be detected anymore in Tyler. This is wonderful news. He will get another treatment on Wednesday & hopefully be through this phase. His white count is extremely low. We need that white count to increase. If the white count increases, he can come home. Please continue to pray for him. Thank you!




Tyler is feeling better this afternoon. He does not have a fever today. His counts are very low today. He got blood & platelets this morning. He had another CT scan this morning because they saw something in his neck, but we dont have the results yet. Please continue to pray for him.




Well Tyler spent most of his day sleeping. He was up all night friday vomitting & had a high fever. He is exhausted! This virus is taking a toll on him & on his organs. His liver, gall bladder, & now kidneys are being compromised. They did another CT scan this morning because they thought he had pneumonia. He has a little something going on in his lungs but they said it looked alot better than they thought it would. They are watching him closely just in case it gets carried away. The doctors gave him the "atom bomb" today which is a bottle of IVIG. It is supposed to kick this virus to the curb. This is their big defense when all else fails. They said that his body will recover when the virus is gone. He has to be completely free of any germs before he begins chemotherapy in a few weeks for transplant. We are still praying for healing before that happens!



Tyler had a rough day today. He is getting sick to his stomach all day long & the stomach pain is increasing quickly. The doctors want to put him back on the pain pump. Donnie & I wrestle with this because it is masking the problem & he has to be weened off of it to come home. We also want him to be comfortable. He had an ultrasound of all of his organs & a ct scan today. His liver & spleen & gall bladder are all enlarged. His skin is yellow as well as his eyes and his bilirubin is through the roof. They are going to make a decision tomm. morning on how they are going to fix the problem which is ultimately the liver.....we think. It has been a very challenging day. It is very hard to watch him suffer. We hope tomm. will be better.




Well it seems we will be here through the weekend. The hospital only has 30 doses of the medicine & Tyler has 25 reserved. He already has 3 IV's a day at home & they are not sure we will be able to get the medicine delivered to the house. He does not feel well at all today. The doctors are sending him to transplant when he gets rid of this virus. This is not an easy road to travel. Please continue to pray for him.
