

Tyler had a rough day today. He is getting sick to his stomach all day long & the stomach pain is increasing quickly. The doctors want to put him back on the pain pump. Donnie & I wrestle with this because it is masking the problem & he has to be weened off of it to come home. We also want him to be comfortable. He had an ultrasound of all of his organs & a ct scan today. His liver & spleen & gall bladder are all enlarged. His skin is yellow as well as his eyes and his bilirubin is through the roof. They are going to make a decision tomm. morning on how they are going to fix the problem which is ultimately the liver.....we think. It has been a very challenging day. It is very hard to watch him suffer. We hope tomm. will be better.


1 comment:

  1. Tyler, hang on buddy. I know it's a rough road, but you're a tough kid and with God, ALL things are possible to them who believe [in Him]. I'm praying for you tonight. I hope you feel better soon and can get all this medical stuff behind you quickly. Blessings, Alice P.S., sorry this says "Aunt Alice", I didn't realize that was for more than one of my blog nieces. LOL


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